Cheese factory Chez Anouchka

19 rue de la Parrachée
Tel +334 79 20 46 49


At Anouchka's farm, we transform our cows' milk into tommes, Anouchka's blue cheeses, fresh cheeses, yoghurts and ice cream. I also offer you charcuterie from the farm but only made from sheep meat. Discover the wool of my Merino sheep! The wool is available in the shop in 17 different colours and sizes. I knit and crochet different patterns and I offer my customers do-it-yourself patterns. Visit of the cheese cellars and the farm, on compulsory registration at the shop.
Recommended by the Guide du Routard since 2011.

Date et horaire d'ouverture

From 09/09 to 27/10
Opening hours on Thursday, Friday and Saturday between 9.15 am and 12 pm and between 5 pm and 7 pm. On Sunday between 9.15 am and 12 pm.

From 08/12 to 30/04
Opening hours daily between 9.15 am and 12 pm and between 3.30 pm and 7 pm.


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