Welcome to Terra Modana Area

Combines the Alps. Located on the Vanoise National Park, on the border of Italy, Terra Modana combines the natural, historical and scientific resources. Easily accessible by highway and by train (Paris-Modane in 4h TGV), Terra Modana is 7 towns and three ski resorts: Valfréjus, La Norma and village-resort of Aussois.

Small villages and hamlets have typical architecture and fit perfectly in the mountains. A mountain crossed paths to discover pastures, mountain lakes,  peaks over 3000 meters, some accessible by hiking (3178m Mount Thabor, Rake Aussois 3131m, 3017m Pointe de l'Observatoire )...

Terra Modana has a rich diverse heritage: Archaeological Park Lozes, baroque churches, Maginot line of the Alps and for sure, barrier Esseillon, a set of five forts built by Sardinians in the early nineteenth century.

But if heritage is preserved, Terra Modana does not live in the past. Aluminum hydroelectricity through the Modane underground laboratory and giant blowers ONERA, the territory is at the forefront of technology.

Heritage addicts, junkies sports sensation, history buffs, nature lovers and vacationers seeking wellness Terra Modana is for you.

Some Dates:
Total number of inhabitants of the canton: 7800
Township area: 230.92 square kilometers
Minimum altitude: 1000m valley bottoms and about 1500 for the stations.
Highest point of the canton : Dent Parrachée 3684 m


     Number of Associations: 123
     Number of tourist beds: 15,000 +
     Number of goats 2500, Chamois: 5500 throughout the Vanoise National Park
     Number of Birds: 125 species of Eagles, Vultures. partridges partridges, grouse in the park ...

We invite you to hike on this site