Cinema My neighbor Totoro


Animation, Adventure, Fantastic, Family From 3 years

Two little girls come to live with their father in a big house in the country to be closer to the hospital or staying their mother. They will discover the existence of wonderful creatures , but very discreet, the Totoros .
The Totoro is a rare and fascinating creature , a spirit of the forest. It feeds on acorns and nuts. He sleeps during the day , but the full moon , he likes to play with magic ocarinas . He can fly and is invisible to human eyes . There are three Totoros : O Totoro (big) , Chu Totoro (medium) and chili totoro (small).

Date et horaire d'ouverture

Tuesday 10 of February 2015 at 5.30 PM.


Normal price: 7 € / Reduced price : € 5 / - 14 years : 4 €.

