Concierge Les Clés du Parc

La Norma
404 rue Saint Pierre
Tel +336 33 20 51 88


For the tenants :
- reception and handing over of keys,
- rental of linen kit,
- rental of cots and baby chairs,
- optional cleaning at the end of your stay
- other services on request. Concierge service that adapts to the needs of the owners:
- preparation of the accommodation at the beginning of the season,
- cleaning at the end of the season,
- reception and delivery of keys,
- inventory of fixtures on arrival and departure,
- other services on request.

Date et horaire d'ouverture

From 18/12/2023 to 17/04/2024, daily.
Saturday : presence at La Norma from 6h30 to 19h30.

From 21/12/2024 to 11/04/2025, daily.
Saturday : presence at La Norma from 6h30 to 19h30.


