Exhibition "David Sudan redo your portrait"

Maison cantonale
Tel +334 79 05 06 00


From 4 to May 21 tables in the Expo Area Terra Modana you will not be unknown ... David Sudan Savoyard painter, created the "David Sudan again you portrait" exhibition to revisit our common heritage through portraits of famous people, from Coco Chanel to Picasso, to Mother Teresa. These famous spectators are invited in our daily lives and question our present. David Sudan was inspired by painters like De Staël, Mondrian or Bacon through the simplification of forms and volumes, the geometrical construction and the use of bright colors. This exhibition lent by Diapason 73 freely visit the Cantonal House Modane.

Date et horaire d'ouverture

From Monday 4 to Thursday 21 of May 2015, daily.
From 8:30 am to 12 am and from 13h30 to 18h, Monday to Friday.


Free entry.

