Les 14 chapeaux

368 rue des diligences
Tel +336 16 51 90 91


To animate and contribute to making the village of Bramans pleasant and friendly. All year round! The purpose of the association is to animate the village and to contribute, through the organisation of all kinds of sports and cultural events, to making the life of the village pleasant and convivial, in order to preserve a local dynamic and to encourage collective initiatives aimed at creating links between the inhabitants of the village.
to make the life of the village pleasant and convivial, in order to preserve a local dynamic and to favour collective initiatives aiming at creating links between
The association will organise
- various craftsmen's and producers' markets
- festive village events and entertainment
- cultural, artistic and recreational events
- sports events for the general public
It may also create knowledge exchange workshops.
It supports local development initiatives, projects to improve the village and to develop the territory, while respecting
of the environment.
It encourages and participates in the maintenance of community life and the well-being of the population. It preserves the infrastructures, buildings, development
and/or actions undertaken for the inhabitants.
It manages, maintains and develops the botanical area in the form of a mountain garden, created in 2012.
The association will be able to sell local products or marketing products, or any other economic operation, through the events organised or through specific actions.
marketing products, or any other economic operation in line with the previously defined object.

Date et horaire d'ouverture

All year round.


Prices not available.

