Cinema Memories


Drama comedy Romain is 23 years old . He would like to be a writer , but for now, it is night porter in a hotel. His father is 62 years old . He retires and pretends to fuck . His roommate is 24 years old . He thinks only one thing: to seduce a girl , any and all means. Her grandmother is 85 years old . She finds herself in a retirement home and wondered what she does with all these old .
One day his father arrived in disaster. His grandmother was gone. She escaped somehow. Romain goes looking for him somewhere in his memories ...

Date et horaire d'ouverture

Sunday 8 of February 2015 at 5.30 PM.

Tuesday 10 of February 2015 at 8.30 PM.


Normal price: 7 € / Reduced price : € 5 / - 14 years : 4 €.

