River and Mountain'lakes fishing


Tel +334 79 05 26 67


Fishing course on Modane area, in the river "Arc" and its tributaries : L'Arc amont, La Neuvache, La retenue de Bissorte, Le Charmaix, Le lac Curtalès.

Date et horaire d'ouverture

From 09/03 to 06/10/2024.
See full details of opening times by species and fishing site here: http://www.savoiepeche.com/periodes-douverture-de-la-peche.


Adult: 57.80 to 94 €
Teenager: 18.30 to 21 €
Day Card: 10.10 to 14 €
Weekly Card: 20 to 33 €
Woman discovery card: from 35 €
Discovery card -12 years: 5.50 to 6 €.

These rates vary depending on whether the angler already has another fishing card from an AAPPMA in France, with its CPMA 2023 stamp. To consult all the rates and options available in Savoie: http://www.savoiepeche.com/carte-de-peche.

