Snake Gliss

Maison de Valfréjus
Tel +334 79 05 05 97


With family or friends, from 7 to 77 years old come to test this unusual device that is snake gliss! Activity open to anyone who can practice classic tobogganing. The sleds, all identical, are assembled together to form a single train driven by an instructor.
These are assembled by a removable axle that will allow the train to make real turns and provide new sensations.
This is where the appeal of this concept lies!
The seats at the front of the train are relatively quiet seats where the strolling side will be appreciated more (generally we put children there).
The further to the rear of the toboggan train you go, the greater the wave of the turn will be, so sporty and thrill-seeking people will find their happiness there.
Sitting in your sled, your two feet will be positioned in the sled in front of you. Thus, it is not several sleds but a single sled on which everyone must participate so that the ripple is smooth!

Date et horaire d'ouverture

From 19/12/2021 to 15/04/2022, every Tuesday and Thursday between 5 pm and 6.30 pm.
The dates will be specified later.


One price: 8.50 € (the session).

The price includes: rental of the sledge and helmet + ride in the chairlift.

