Claire Burdin - Parenthood Support

43 rue des Jardins
Tel +336 63 02 57 71


Parenthood support, followed by children aged 0 to 11 by a professional childcare nurse in health and early childhood.
Awareness workshop, in groups or individually. - Parenting support, monitoring of psychomotor development, vision screening, hearing, developmental disorders, language disorders, learning disabilities...
- In individual consultation, at home, in a Parent workshop or a Parent/Child workshop. Many subjects can be covered: baby massage, free motor skills, support for breastfeeding, screens, limits, sleep from baby to big child, food, prevention of domestic accidents, initiation to pediatric first aid gestures ...
- Health education action with children, families and professionals,
- For early childhood professionals: analysis of practice, work on the educational and pedagogical project, health referent and inclusive reception.

Date et horaire d'ouverture

From 01/01 to 31/12.
Closed on Sunday.
On appointment.


Please consult me.

