Walk on glaciers

Place de la Vanoise
Tel +334 79 20 31 16 | 04 79 05 99 06


The Savoie-Maurienne Guides Office offers you a few glacier hikes with or without a night in a refuge, for group outings or for hiring. The Vanoise massif and the Haute Maurienne Vanoise offer glaciers accessible to good hikers. Without cable car, the discovery of these glaciers requires a good walk. The technical level is not high: no vertigo possible, no steep slopes and the magic of discovering an incredible environment with the wild and isolated character of the high mountains: truly exotic.

You can consult them on the website of the guides office: www.guides-savoie.com.

Depending on snow and weather conditions, the practicability periods may vary: for more information, contact the Guides Office.

Date et horaire d'ouverture

From 01/01 to 31/12, daily.
Permanence téléphonique toute l’année. Permanence physique au bureau tous les jours en juillet et août.


Our prices are available on the website of the Bureau des Guides: www.guides-savoie.com.

