Comedy A.O.C by Jean-Michel Matteï

89 rue du Mont-Cenis
Tel +334 79 05 99 06


Discover the Savoy through the humour and benevolence of Antonin Oreiller Cotilloux, an endearing character played by Jean-Michel Matteï, a laughter therapist. A.O.C. Controlled Designation of Origin, everyone knows what it is, but hardly anyone knows AOC ... But the whole world, even the universe, will get to know it! Jean-Michel Matteï plays Antonin Oreiller Cotilloux, in what is more than a One man show, a play with a single character!

Antonin is 50 years old, he lives in the depths of the Savoyard valley and as a confirmed bachelor, his house is next to his mother's. A lovely, somewhat exclusive person, which is wrong, you can imagine, without creating a few tense situations. Antonin is often angry, sometimes sad, but always funny and touching. His philosophy boils down to pretending to be a fool and living in peace. But Antonin is not crazy because he understood well how the world works: upside down!

Only one on stage made to measure for Jean-Michel Matteï written by Pierre-Louis Lanier and produced by Jean-Michel Barbey.

You will be asked to show a health pass at the entrance to the theatre. It is recommended to wear a mask in the hall and to keep a distance (1 free seat) between the groups.

Date et horaire d'ouverture

Thursday 27 January 2022 between 8.30 pm and 10 pm.


Full price: 20 €, Reduced price: 15 € (-18 years old, students and job seekers).


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