Graphic jazz concert "Sketches" by Out of Time

89 rue du Mont-Cenis
Tel +334 79 05 99 06


A sextet with original instrumentation (trumpet, saxophone, trombone, vibraphone, double bass and drums) and a graphic designer on stage, compositions, improvisation, sketches, watercolor are the ingredients of the show "Sketches". Out of Time, a group of musicians from Chambéry, draws its influences from the vocabulary of jazz to offer you a very melodic music and transport you into a musical universe that is emerging before your eyes.

First a few strokes of pencil to the sound of a melody played by the double bass, then silhouettes that emerge in the distance with the entrance of the brass, before the color joins the drums and the vibraphone.
Dive into a musical universe that is emerging before your eyes and find your own way!

Composer: Florent Bonneton
Director: Frédérik Lasne
Sound/light: Benjamin Truchet
Cast: Frédérik Lasne (graphics), Florent Bonneton (vibraphone), Guillaume Pluto (trumpet/bugle), Diego Fano (alto/soprano saxophone), Grégory Julliard (trombone/euphonium), Brice Berrerd (double bass, electric bass), Florian Lopez (drums)

You will be asked to show a health pass at the entrance to the theatre. It is recommended to wear a mask in the hall and to keep a distance (1 free seat) between the groups.

Date et horaire d'ouverture

Thursday 20 January 2022 between 8.30 pm and 10 pm.


Full price: 12 €, Reduced price: 7 €.


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