Comedy "The Anonymous Egoists" by Jérôme de Verdière

89 rue du Mont-Cenis
Tel +334 79 05 99 06


The anonymous selfish is a gallery of funny, nasty and wickedly funny characters. Written and directed by Jérôme de Verdière Ten stories written and directed by Jérôme de Verdière, twenty characters played by Michel Frenna and Karine Dubernet, for laughs - finally! What, as Schopenhauer says, governs the world: selfishness!

You will love them: they are arrogant, stingy, narrow-minded, capricious, angry, cruel, envious, rude, hypocritical, intolerant, jealous, cowardly, contemptuous, petty, liars, fearful, pretentious, grumped, vain... and above all they are selfish!

You will be asked to show a health pass at the entrance to the theatre. It is recommended to wear a mask in the hall and to keep a distance (1 free seat) between the groups.

Date et horaire d'ouverture

Thursday 13 January 2022 between 8.30 pm and 10 pm.


Full price: 12 €, Reduced price: 7 €.


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